The Plain English Attorney Blog

Far too many attorneys overcomplicate things, making topics convoluted and difficult to understand to the average person. This blog is committed to explaining legal planning topics in an easy to understand format, in plain English. Enjoy the blogs, and please let us know if there is a topic you would like covered.

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How Much Is An Estate Plan? Jul 19, 2022

When approaching something new and unfamiliar, people tend to think of things like estate planning in the simplest terms possible. However, it’s not like going to the grocery store to buy a gallon of milk where there may be some small differences, but by and large there is not much of a...

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The Advanced Institute is Back Jul 18, 2022

The Estate Planning Source, an organization I have been affiliated with for many years, has undergone some challenges lately in addition to the COVID issues facing every other business. With the purchase of the business finalized in May by long-time employee Bobbie Setser, the...

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Unnecessary Trust Provisions… And One BIG Reason to Keep Them Anyway Jul 14, 2022

“But this doesn’t apply to us!” It’s common enough to see lots of language in trusts and other legal documents that are ‘boilerplate’ that should stay in anyway. In this video, I review some of the most commonly questioned provisions and why they should be kept...

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American Legion Post Giving Estate Advice? Jul 12, 2022

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people with good intentions who mistakenly provide incomplete, or even inaccurate, information with unforeseen potential results. In this post that is making it’s way around Facebook, a local American Legion Post is trying to provide estate planning nuggets...

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The Plain English Attorney
Our Estate Planning Process and FREE "Estate Planning Basics" Audiobook
Our Estate Planning Process and FREE "Estate Planning Basics" Audiobook #estateplanning Jul 11, 2022

The keystone to our law office's estate planning process is my book Estate Planning Basics, provided as required reading for every Estate Strategy Session with clients wishing to discuss their estate planning goals. That in combination with filling out a basic questionnaire means our...

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Fitness Friday--My Fitness Journey 5: How Water Helped Me Lose 49 Pounds in 6 Months Jul 08, 2022

You can hear that hydrating is important, it actually helped me lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. In this installment of My Fitness Journey, I cover how I adopted a specific plan to drink enough water every day and make it a habit I intend to keep for life as well as some...

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I’m Moving States… Is My Trust Still Good? The Documents You MUST Redo Jul 07, 2022

I get this question all the time when clients move to my state, or when my clients are moving to other states. “Is my trust still good?” The question really is “Do I need to update my estate plan?” In this video, I cover the checklist process in reviewing whether or not a...

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Should a Law Firm Be Your Trustee? How One Firm Set Up Their Client’s Trust to Become Their ATM Jul 05, 2022

When doing your estate planning and setting up a revocable living trust, should a law firm or attorney be your trustee? In this video, I review a post that focused on whether or not the compensation the firm wanted was fair, but the real question should have been whether or not it was a good idea...

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Declare Independence! Jul 04, 2022

Happy Independence Day! I hope you are taking some time today to enjoy the freedoms we have in whatever way you want.

I know it sounds like a stretch to compare our country's independence to estate planning, but hear me out on this. In 1776, our colonial leaders decided they didn't want...

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Who Should Be Your Trustee? And the One Thing You Should NEVER Do Jun 30, 2022

One of the most important estate planning items on your checklist is choosing the right trustees to handle things if you become incapacitated or pass on. But how do you go about choosing them? Should you pick an attorney? Your children? Your best friend? In this video, I go through the basic...

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Will Bank Honor Pre-Arranged Payments After Death? Jun 28, 2022

It seems like there should be a simple solution, but often the simplest solutions have the most complex ramifications and pitfalls. In this video, I review two posts from Reddit about different options to make sure critical transfers or payments from an account will continue even after...

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