The Plain English Attorney Blog

Far too many attorneys overcomplicate things, making topics convoluted and difficult to understand to the average person. This blog is committed to explaining legal planning topics in an easy to understand format, in plain English. Enjoy the blogs, and please let us know if there is a topic you would like covered.

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Five Hidden Keys to Special Needs Estate Planning attorney attorney advice certified medicaid planner estate planning estate planning attorney health care power of attorney lawyers advice planningattorney special needs trust the plain english attorneyā„¢ trust trust planning Apr 01, 2024

When it comes to planning for estate planning for a beneficiary with special needs, there are a lot of myths, half-truths, and misinformation out there. And unfortunately, some of these things just get out there because it worked in one particular circumstance and suddenly everybody's thinking...

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3 Keys to Estate Planning for HD #caregivingbasics #disability #estateplanning #guides #medicaid #medicaidplanning #planning #specialneeds #specialneedsestateplanning #trustplanning attorney advice attorneys advice certified medicaid planner common mistakes estate planning estate planning attorney estate planning strategies health care power of attorney lawyer advice medicaid plan planningattorney rules-for-medicaid-planning special needs trust Mar 18, 2024

3 Keys to Estate Planning for HD

Huntington’s Disease is a horrible affliction to individuals that also causes upheaval and turmoil within the family. But planning ahead can empower individuals, protect the family, and even provide calm within the family when crisis hits because wishes have...

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Five Things in Every Good Power of Attorney #estateplanning #financials #guides #planning #probate #trustplanning asset protection attorney advice estate planning attorney health care power of attorney lawyers advice powers of attorney trust planning Feb 12, 2024

As I was recently reminded while reviewing some legal documents for a prospective client, not all power of attorney forms are created equal. In fact, some people may mistakenly believe they are covered when that is far from the truth. Here are the five big things every good power of attorney...

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The Bank Won't Honor The Power of Attorney?! financial institutions health care power of attorney incapacitated institutionā€™s forms living will powers of attorney Oct 10, 2022

Unfortunately, there is a trend of banks and other financial institutions refusing to honor powers of attorney because they are not on the institution’s forms. This can cause any variety of complications if discovered after someone is incapacitated. But how can they do that? This video,...

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