The Plain English Attorney Blog

Far too many attorneys overcomplicate things, making topics convoluted and difficult to understand to the average person. This blog is committed to explaining legal planning topics in an easy to understand format, in plain English. Enjoy the blogs, and please let us know if there is a topic you would like covered.

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Not All Legacies are Financial (A SPECIAL ASK) attorney community company news estate planning attorney north carolina planningattorney Feb 05, 2024


Last August, I was happy to attend a reunion in Rhode Island and catch up with my classmates from Mount Saint Charles Academy High School. Amidst all of the updates, shared achievements, and school news, there was also the bad that always comes when we...

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Estate Planning 101 Livestream Announced #estateplanning #estateplanningbasics #estateplanningbooks #financialplanning #genzestateplanning #guides #lastwill #lastwillandtestament #livingwill #planning #trustplanning #trusts estate planning attorney irrevocable trust revocable trust Jan 29, 2024

My law firm and other businesses are committed to providing planning education in the areas of estate, financial, and care assistance planning, and we are adding open livestreams through The Plain English Attorney® YouTube channel. Our 2024 kickoff event is Estate Planning 101 where we will...

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2024 Death Taxes Explained #estateplanning #estatetaxes #financialplanning attorney advice estate planning attorney generational wealth the plain english attorneyā„¢ trust trustee gifts Jan 22, 2024

A general question I hear from new clients is whether or not they have to worry about "death taxes." The term "death tax" is actually political, and candidates use it as a campaign football. In actuality, there are several different taxes related to estates and inheritances that may or may not...

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The Plain English Attorney
The Truth About Gun Trusts
The Truth About Gun Trusts #trustplanning #trusts asset protection asset protection trust attorney trust Jan 15, 2024

Gun Trusts are becoming more and more popular, but there are a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding them. Just as with avoiding probate in estate planning with a revocable living trust, gun trusts attempt to avoid as much red tape as possible during life and after death. Here are just some...

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The Plain English Attorney
Ten Medicaid Planning Myths You Need to Know
Ten Medicaid Planning Myths You Need to Know #medicaid #medicaidplanning the plain english attorneyā„¢ Jan 08, 2024

Medicaid Planning can be much more complex than Estate Planning, and that's because the government is paying out money rather than simply regulating a process. The hopeful truth in a horrible process is that our country is not going to simply let our seniors go without the care they need, but the...

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New Year's Evolutions Jan 01, 2024

Time keeps passing, and the New Year is often a time to focus on upgrading our lives. It is (or should be) the same with businesses, and the law office is also undergoing some changes to keep up with the times. Here are some the items we'll be focusing on in the coming year:

* More Digital...

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'Twas the Night Before Probate Dec 25, 2023

‘Twas the night before probate, and all through the house

Not an asset was spared, for there was no spouse

Nor were there children, or any appointed heirs

For the deceased had no plans, nor had he cared


The forms were stacked high, with supporting documentation

Billable hours were...

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"Never, Would I Ever..." #estateplanning #estateplanningbasics #planning Dec 18, 2023

"Never, Would I Ever..." Estate Planning

When many people are thinking about estate planning for the first time, it is not exactly the most comfortable thing to think about. Because of that, there are a lot of contingencies, pathways, and options that people fail to consider. But that's...

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Level One Adulting Starter Pack: A Basic Estate Plan #estatedocuments #estateplanningbasics #whatisestateplanning Dec 11, 2023

Level One Adulting Starter Pack: A Basic Estate Plan

Many of our trust clients have children who are over eighteen, and around the time of that milestone birthday for the first child, the parents realize they can’t keep making financial, legal, and health decisions for their children...

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Is a North Carolina Revocable Living Trust Right For Me? north carolina revocable living trust revocable trust Dec 04, 2023

Whether a Revocable Living Trust is right for your particular situation or not is never as simple as looking at your net worth, despite what other attorneys may claim. That is because how much wealth you have doesn't mandate what your estate goals are.

If you are trying to decide between...

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Five Divorce Disasters asset protection trust divorce premarital agreement Nov 27, 2023

A 50% divorce rate is an unfortunate statistic in our current society, and, unfortunately, many people fail to handle the divorce properly resulting in a lot of unintended consequences. These negative results go far beyond simply delaying divorce or not getting everything you are entitled to in...

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Wealth Forever?! estate planning strategies generational wealth legacy wealth planning Nov 20, 2023

Creating and securing perpetual wealth for a family forever is possible, but it is not necessarily for everyone. Setting up the right trusts and structures can make sure that descendants you will never meet are supported. cared for, and able to live their best lives without the worry of money. In...

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