The Plain English Attorney Blog

Far too many attorneys overcomplicate things, making topics convoluted and difficult to understand to the average person. This blog is committed to explaining legal planning topics in an easy to understand format, in plain English. Enjoy the blogs, and please let us know if there is a topic you would like covered.

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Five Divorce Disasters asset protection trust divorce premarital agreement Nov 27, 2023

A 50% divorce rate is an unfortunate statistic in our current society, and, unfortunately, many people fail to handle the divorce properly resulting in a lot of unintended consequences. These negative results go far beyond simply delaying divorce or not getting everything you are entitled to in...

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Wealth Forever?! estate planning strategies generational wealth legacy wealth planning Nov 20, 2023

Creating and securing perpetual wealth for a family forever is possible, but it is not necessarily for everyone. Setting up the right trusts and structures can make sure that descendants you will never meet are supported. cared for, and able to live their best lives without the worry of money. In...

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Can I Inherit a Tiger? #estateplanning estate planning pets Nov 13, 2023

When volunteering recently with my Civitan club at the Carolina Tiger Rescue, the question popped up on whether or not you can inherit a Tiger in light of the Big Cat Public Safety Act of 2022, and that naturally led to questions about Pet Trusts and what kind of language is needed in an estate...

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House Deed Scam Back Again?! bills house deed property tax Nov 06, 2023

Unfortunately, some things never go away. In fact, they can get more pervasive and insistent with time.

One such scam going around directly impacts my clients who put their real estate into their revocable living trusts as well as their irrevocable property trusts. Once the deed is recorded at...

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Estate Taxes Avoidable? #estatetaxes estatetaxexemption ilit irrevocable life insurance trusts Oct 30, 2023

The Return of the Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust?

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts might be making a big comeback as a popular tool to help avoid estate taxes and to help pay those taxes and other expenses without having to liquidate assets. But how do these irrevocable trusts work?...

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Donā€™t Frankenstein Your Trust diy estate planning estate planning attorney special needs trust trust funding Oct 23, 2023

DIY changes to a solid estate plan can often cause unintended consequences or even revoke your entire plan...

“It’s alive!” Dr. Frankenstein exclaimed, watching his creation come to life. His monstrous creation cobbled together cadaver parts, ran electricity through the entire...

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Attorney-Client Relationships Enhanced with New Resource Center attorney-client relationships company news the plain english attorneyā„¢ trust funding Oct 16, 2023

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Client Resource Center for The Law Offices of Jeffrey G Marsocci, PLLC. This is an exclusive program just for our revocable living trust clients, friends, and colleagues that is made available to them. It contains all of the ongoing reference courses...

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Client Resource Center Coming Soon basic estate planning company news estate planning lawyer advice tags: client resources Oct 09, 2023

We have always been committed to providing our clients with good information so they can make the smartest decisions for them and their loved ones. In conjunction with Mr. Marsocci’s publishing company, we are launching the online Client Resource Center exclusively for the clients and...

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Five Ways Attorneys Destroyed an Estate attorney basic estate planning revocable living trust Oct 02, 2023

I recently reviewed an estate that ended up potentially being destroyed by a few attorneys who really didn't know what they were doing. For this blog, I’ll use the hypothetical Smith family, going back to 1996. At the time, it was John and Jane Smith and their four children, so they worked...

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Keep the House or Sell It? asset management trusts divorce trustee Sep 25, 2023
The question recently came up from a breadwinner father going through a divorce. In revising his estate plan, should he have the trustee sell the house and use the money to support his children, or have the house stay in trust for the ex and children to live in until the kids are...
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Best Online Estate Planning #estateplanningbooks divorce planningattorney Sep 18, 2023

The world is going digital!

Actually, it's more accurate to say that the world is becoming more digital, and this includes how we consume educational media. On Monday, July 31, 2023, we launched the new book called The Divorce Firewall Strategy on Amazon as a paperback book for order....

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11 Red Flags of Estate Planning #estateplanningbasics #trustplanning revocable trust Sep 11, 2023

When it comes to estate planning, there are a lot of red flags indicating a need for some specific protections. However, one of the biggest solutions is a well-drafted, optimally-funded revocable living trust to keep the estate out of probate. Here are the top eleven red flags Indicating an...

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