Free Estate Planning Education System
Jul 10, 2023
Providing information on planning ahead to avoid estate problems has been a hallmark of the law firm since it was founded more than 27 years ago. While many other firms simply responded to estate messes while "towing the company line" about estate planning with Wills, we were always at the forefront of avoiding probate using a revocable living will. Also over the years, I have created books and online courses for sale to help people plan ahead.
Times have changed, and in some cases they have radically changed in terms of attitudes and preferences since the pandemic of 2019. More people wish to conduct business, including estate planning, virtually. More people are doing their homework online rather than getting books from the library. And people have decided to accomplish their goals at times that are convenient for them
In response to these shifts, we are now bringing solid estate planning information to the North Carolina public for free, and we're coupling that with a way to accomplish estate planning with a revocable living trust with only having to visit the lawyers office once to sign the documents (and we're working on making even the signing process easier). But it all starts with education, and that part is free. We now have the Trust Planning Online Education Course for free at
While this free online course is available to everyone regardless of where they live, the actual trust planning process is available to North Carolina residents through an additional paid course that includes an hour and a half Estate Strategy Session with an attorney to review specific goals and see if we want to go further. For now, I encourage everyone who isn't already working with our firm to check out the free course at and get answers about how to plan ahead.
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