Cornhole Tournament to Benefit Special Olympics

#specialneeds charity community Aug 07, 2023
Cornhole Tournament to Benefit Special Olympics written words Attorney in front of cornhole tournament

There are many ways to both benefit charities and save on taxes through good estate and financial planning for after you pass on. There are also a lot of tax techniques to benefit you and charities during your lifetime that can save tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, there are also some extremely worthy causes raising money through fun events that are comparatively low cost and aren’t really about the tax deductions. That’s where my civic group, the Triangle YP Civitan Club, comes in with its annual cornhole tournament fundraiser to benefit Special Olympics NC.

On Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 1-5 p.m. at Mordecai Beverage Company at 2425 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC, 27604. There will be fun, games, and the first place cornhole tournament winners will receive a $200 cash prize. There will also be silent auction items from many local businesses, and a 50-50 raffle, so it promises to be a good time even if you aren’t playing in the tournament. Tickets are only $40 for a team of 2, but even if you don’t have a teammate in mind, you can register for $20 and get paired up with another individual player. You can register through Eventbrite here. If you can’t make the tournament but think Special Olympics NC is a worthy cause, then please make a donation here:

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