One of the worst tragedies is having a GREAT revocable living trust that is fully or partiallg ineffective because it is not "funded" properly. Making sure your accounts and assets line up with the provisions of your trust are critical but often overlooked. In this course, you'll learn:
- Why There are Different Funding Techniques for Different Types of Assets
- How to Avoid Adverse Tax Consequences by Putting the Wrong Types of Accounts Into a Trust
- How to Address Generic Title Transfer or Beneficiary Designation Paperwork... When Each Institution has Their Own Forms.
The most common questions from my own legal clients are about dealing with financial and other institutions when funding their own trusts. By having answers to the most common questions in this course, you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars over the years by having the answers in this course rather than having to pay legal fees to an attorney each time something comes up.